The IoT FAB Concept
The concept of IoT FAB is based on our experience with international projects, primarily focused on the IoT and Industry 4.0. Our 500m2 IoT training centre near Prague offers standard IoT training, as well as special customized IoT sessions. These 4 day trainings are a basic prerequisite for the successful execution of IoT projects.
The theoretical part of the training consists of four main parts – The IoT Ecosystem, where the milestones and basis of the IoT are presented, IoT Examples, which reviews actual use cases, IoT Business Models, where the decomposition of business models is shown and lastly – the IoT Business Plan, which reviews implementation sequence.
Practical simulations, such as Motion Box, Machine Learning and I4.0 Push / Pull, allow participants to apply their newly acquired knowledge of various methods and techniques to real world situations. This approach, using several levels of abstraction, enables participants to recognize the functions of individual IoT tools, like GitHub, API or Pinterest, on their own. The application of those functions is not handled by means of more constructed examples, but by different, mutually exclusive processes, thus providing a better understanding of each tool’s purpose.
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Our training consists of 40 – 80 % practical simulation. Even Jan Ámos Komentský, a well-known Czech scholar, promoted the “School by Play” philosophy, which maximizes the efficiency of memorizing new information. It is scientifically proven that if we actively simulate an activity, we remember up to 90 % of what is done and said.
The biggest advantage of these simulations is that they allow participants to intensively experience IoT processes without the disruptive influence of daily operational business. Due to the fact that the simulation is a simplified version of business processes, the errors only have a minor effect. This means that the attendees can not only experience ideal results but also what happens when mistakes occur without the concern of real consequences.
Through the training, the participants will be convinced that an increase of effectiveness, or rather, savings, on a scale of 30 – 80 % is not just pure theory, but can be achieved in reality. The whole learning process is supported and enhanced by 3D technologies not only by the creation of Low Cost Automation, but also by the production of learning objects and tools.
Another element of the IoT FAB concept is the ERP Box. It represents a quick and flexible platform, which gathers data from the current clients´ ERP system (for ex. abas) in a pre-defined scale. Later the data is evaluated and verified in a cloud solution by ROI Management Consulting. Based on the evaluation, an expert field benchmark of subjects is conducted and the limits for notifications are set according to norms and best practise. An alert about deviation from standard values is automatically reported to the customer themselves, so that they can take proper action. To guarantee optimal analysis, the data is validated via 5S check. For more info about the ERP Box and abas ERP please click here.
Sandbox. The attendees of IoT trainings have developed such respect (and enthusiasm) for our testing environment that they return to IoT FAB with their specific needs, allowing us to develop tailor-made simulations for them.